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Filtering by Tag: Biden

John's Vote, John's Voice

Brandon Joyner


Politics…  it’s not great.

Generally speaking, the parties aren’t as important as the ideas. What the issues are and how they solve them. I look for the right information and who’s telling the truth. Not giving you the wrong idea in a candidate.

We talk about politics in the house with my family - Mom, Dad and Brandon. Sometimes we talk about it with friends. I listen to the news, the TV and get my information from here to base my opinions and thoughts.

I follow all the politics: National, State, Local because I like to know what’s going on around me.  I find it hard to follow politics because it’s hard to tell who’s telling the truth or lying.

I want the best candidate. I do my research. Oh, you know what... I don’t really do my research—I watch all the news though, like CBS, CNN, NBC.

I vote for the person that I like. If I don’t like them, then I don’t vote for them.

Who you choose for President...?

Certain candidates stick out in my mind. I had a feeling for Bush, Sr. And then when Clinton came in it [things] kept doing good. And then Obama didn’t do too good. And then the Jr. And now Trump... it’s still going good. And that’s my opinion.

Local Politics- the mayor isn’t doing a good job. In general, the job isn’t as important because I call it [through laughs... no, I can’t say that... well, it’s] “crap”... because the issues should be important but they don’t always do their job.



Ok, I’m going to sleep.

I’m kidding.

I was 19 when I voted for the first time, maybe I was 18. It was Bush versus Dukakis. I chose Bush. It was my decision. But these days, it’s very hard to choose who to vote for. Because they’re holding off the voting... it’s hard during the times of COVID it’s all I’m saying.

Right now... The vaccine is taking long because some viruses are easy and some are not and trying to get the vaccines settled. We know Trump’s trying to do the right thing. Because the virus is strong (it’s a lot faster). You have to use certain medicines because some are good and some are bad and it’s hard to get the vaccine level[ed].

All in all, it’s hard right now.

What is my political affiliation? Conservative or liberal?

I think I’m liberal.


Liberal? I can’t be liberal, can I?!?!

I don’t know.