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The Fashionable Male

Blogs and Such

The Fashionable Male

Brandon Joyner

I´ve always enjoyed dressing up. I love to be fashion[able]. I like to be neat. I always like to be presentable. It's hard these days, hard to find what you like and what you don't like.

On special occasions when I was younger, Mom always dressed me up. Of course, I knew how to put clothes on, but Mom would help me pick them out. My earliest memory of clothes was when I would wear a green or white outfit. I do remember wearing a red shirt and blue pants for something at some time. I have a hard time remembering everything back then, but I know I always liked to look good. That was before I wore ties, of course.

I wear like pants and shirts and socks and shoes and sometimes flip-flops-- when you don't wear socks, you know... I wear suits for church and when I have a special occasion. The only thing that´s hard for me to do really is ties, neckties. Oh, I try to tie my shoes, but they´re hard. I do put my shoes on a lot and some are harder than others when I can't just leave them tied. Flip flops [sandals] and penny loafers are easier to get on.

Other than shoes and flip flops I used to wear boots, Western boots , ya know what I'm talking about, like cowboy boots. I always sometimes wear my Western shirts with those too. 'Cause I like 'em.

Sometimes [I like to wear] pajamas-- I used to have long pjs, but I got rid of the green and gold ones when they were too small. I wear my Avenger's, chili peppers, or Disney pajamas from time to time. But mostly, I wear my house clothes. My comfort clothes would be what I like to wear every day. I like a t-shirt with jeans or sweatpants.

I wear t-shirts when I´m in my room. And sometimes outside of my room. When it´s hot and humid or if I go to the theme parks with the gang, I will wear a t-shirt. Like when we go to Universal Studios for Halloween Horror Nights, we have matching [themed] shirts. We have been going for a while, so I have a lot of Halloween shirts. Sometimes it's hard to choose for the shirts when you have all the ones from over the years that you want to wear over and over again, but only one day for the event. I think of all my t-shirts, my favorite one, in general, is my Dolly Parton one.

Cold-wise I wear gloves if it's really cold. And I wear two pairs of socks sometimes in the winter. I also wear a coat when it's very cold. Or a jacket when it's only so-so. I wear long clothes when it's real[ly] cold. And then in the summertime, I wear a bathing suit.

Sometimes when I go to church I wear a watch and ring. I wear like my Mickey watch when I go out and stuff. When I do go to get dressed up for church or special occasions like a birthday or funeral I like to dress up too. I brush my teeth, shave and put on deodorant. I get a long button-up shirt and nice pants. A belt, dark dress socks, and my penny loafers are the next step. I like to comb my hair and then I put a little bit of smell on [a splash of cologne]. To complete my look I have to have my watch; like I said, my Mickey for really dressy or my Transformers or Captain America watch. And I like to pick out one ring from my yellow box. I don't leave home without one of my special rings, but you know about that.

I think Western is my favorite [style]. If I go to my closet to pick then I´m going to go with the Country and Western [look]. I used to have like my brown and royal blue shirt. I have a Brooks & Dunn red button-up shirt and a white and purple Western one. And, my most favorite was my Indian shirt. Well, that was my first favorite shirt of all the Western shirts I had. I grew out of that one though, so that was replaced in love by my purple one. I have good Western shirts, but it´s very hard to find good ones here or even out of town. I have gone all over to try to find these shirts. There´s a Country Western store in Florida and I like going there to find them. I tend to find different kinds of shirts there that I can´t find here.

They [Mom, Dad, Brandon & my friends] never tell me to not wear clothes. You gotta wear clothes. They do say you can't [don't have to] wear a jacket in the building because it's warm in the building. Or you´re going outside, you gotta have a coat.

Sometimes, when I outgrow the clothes I get rid of them when they're too small. If you [I] haven´t worn them in a while, you [I] have to have room in your [my] wardrobe to put new clothes in and take the old clothes out. I give the old clothes away that still look good and aren´t faded, we take them to Goodwill so that other people who don´t have as much can use them. That´s what I like to do. It's a good thing.

~ John Joyner