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Let's Get Physical!

Blogs and Such

Let's Get Physical!

Brandon Joyner

Mom and I talked about exercising more this year, a New Year’s resolution, some might say. I’m working on hand coordination. I use balls. Soft stress balls. I wiggle my hands when using the balls back and forth. This helps with my hands to make them strong and not get tired as quickly.

I used to do push-ups but not that much anymore, I lost count. And, I used to do swimming because I love the water, but I haven’t done it in a while though because of COVID. Before, I was able to do group activities and exercise with others, but we haven’t been able to get together since that.

I have to do my own exercises at home even before someone asks me though. Getting up and walking, it feels good. I get to stretch up and down for my back. Going up and down the stairs. Stretching my legs a little bit when they get tight, that’s what I normally do.

When I sit in my chair a lot, not on the floor anymore, but in my chair, it makes it easier to move because I stopped crossing my legs and sitting on the floor a lot. Sitting in the chair makes it easier to walk after. Sometimes though when I’m on the floor in my room I do some leg stretches on my own.

In the winter it’s cold and in the summer it’s hot and I like to do more when it’s warm out, so I tend to exercise more in the summer than the winter. That’s when it’s great to hop in the pool, even though I can’t right now. Sometimes I can take a walk, but it’s been a while.

I love to swing a little bit. That gives you some vitamins to be in the sun and I get to exercise my legs and stretch them and relax at the same time. You can get vitamins from food that help you get strong by eating the right foods. But being outside in the sun for a little bit helps you get the other vitamins and helps you even more.

Another thing I like to exercise is my brain. I get to think a lot. I can think-- by listening, by looking around and seeing, by wondering what’s going on around-- in my head a little bit. I listen to music and read my library book, it helps me relax and tells me how to listen to what’s going on in the book (audiobook) without turning pages. I like playing games with my friends and family (Kristen and Brandon; sometimes Cheryl and Dad, Chrissy and Brooke-- when it’s cards). And sometimes when I play cards, I play by myself when I’m matching cards for me. And that’s [games] part of exercise as well. It helps with my hands and eyes and mind.

Exercise makes me feel good. It’s sometimes hard, but it can be relaxing and also brings joy.

I’m not sure what might be right for you. But, do your own exercise, what makes you feel good. Pay attention to why you’re doing it. And, just keep going!