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I've Got a Fast Car

Blogs and Such

I've Got a Fast Car

Brandon Joyner


I prefer to drive to get places. Mom and dad normally drive.

My favorite family car was red. But not red outside... it was gray outside. The inside was actually burgundy. It was a 4-door. We had it for a long time. I have fond memories of taking vacations in it. It was fun for me. There was a lot of space, a lot of room and I could move around.

My Dad tells me it was a Monte Carlo.

Right now, we have a red car with a gray interior... a Toyota Rav-4. I like it. It’s comfortable and I have space for my wheelchair when we go on trips.

When I go to EPCOT, I love riding Test Track because I have the ability to drive a car without feeling like I’m hurting anyone. If I could have or create any car in the world, I would make it like the cars I make in Test Track at EPCOT!

What kind of car? A small one is what I’d choose, but I’ll settle for a big car... I could go for like a silver van.

Color! That’s the first thing that comes to mind when someone says, “Car!”
What kind of car, what color car? If I could pick any color of car I would have a purple car—dark purple like a plum!

Wheels: black tires with white trim on the outside.

Rims: Oh yeah, you gotta have the rims! Mine would be solid chrome spinners. Don’t forget the tools to hold it on—the bolts!

Lights: You have to have lights on the front of the car... not just the headlights, taillights and brake lights! I’d have red lights in my silver grill on the front... but no other lights on the back [except for taillights]. I can see the neon purple illuminating from the undercarriage of my car.

As for the Trim—I think I see a little white trim on the purple.

I’ve got a sunroof that goes the whole way so people in the backseat can see outside too—the sky and the trees and the sun and the moon! Like James Cordon’s in his Carpool Karaoke episodes!

On my fashion plate (‘cause I wouldn’t have a normal TAG), I’d have... cause it’s gonna be funny...  PPL ETR. (A big, ole Purple People Eater.)

What does it run on? A re-chargable battery; that way I don’t have to worry about running out of gas and paying that high dollar price.

Since I can choose my own logo and hood ornament, I would pick a unicorn.

What’s my favorite Movie car? That’s a hard question... not only those [movie] but also TV cars!

I know there’s the James Bond Car—the Aston Martin DB5 (from Goldfinger), Kit (the Night Rider car), the Batmobile—the ‘66, a tin car... the Dukes’ of Hazard Car—Gen. Lee, the Starsky and Hutch Car with the Red Hood. OH... and the black car from Smokey and the Bandit. There are so many cars, but these are the main ones.

Have I ever driven? Yeah, I have... there was this one time... where I was behind the driver’s seat. I was very careful.

We were in a parking lot-- it was Dad and my brother, Brandon, and our friend, Kristen. It was fun.

Was it scary? It was a little bit.

But not as much scary...

Moreso... fun!

~ John Joyner