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Blogs and Such


Brandon Joyner

Neighbors! Sometimes we get good ones—sometimes “so-so” ones! We feel really blessed when we have neighbors that we can call on no matter what the situation. Now those are good neighbors. 

We had found those kinds of neighbors when we moved into a second-floor apartment after our son, John was born. We loved our spacious apartment. It had a great deck out back that overlooked a green space. We would all gather outback and exchange pleasantries and check on each other and exchange news of the day. 

Linda, my upstairs neighbor, was an interior designer who worked for a well-known showroom downtown and had a son just a little younger than our son and they loved to play together. Another neighbor was a doctor and his wife. So, between those two, our conversations were very interesting. Then there was a new couple who had just moved in downstairs and we had not had a chance to introduce ourselves. 

We all loved to get together for parties and this apartment was perfect for smaller gatherings. We decided to call our friends and invite them over to kick back, relax and eat! 

I had cooked all day. Made everything from scratch and I just wanted to enjoy food and conversation with my friends. 

As the evening progressed, someone suggested we go out on the back deck for some fresh air. Sounded like a good idea to me. But it was getting late, so I suggested that we be quiet on the deck because some of my neighbors may have already gone to bed... 

We opened the sliding glass doors and stepped out into the cool evening breeze. We were chatting quietly when we thought we heard singing. 


Where would it be coming from? We all gathered at the rail and peered down into the direction where the “music” was coming from and there was a light on in the bathroom window below. 

Yes, I said bathroom window... below. I guess I never paid attention to the fact that our deck was right over our new neighbors' bathroom. 

There in the bathroom shower and right in our line of sight were two rather plump figures, both in shower caps, washing each other's backs, and singing at the top of their lungs! 

“Rub-a-dub-dub, two men in a tub.” 

And, so, like the mature adults we were, we started to giggle. 

The man and his wife were showering together and having a good ole time. I’m still not sure why he had on a shower cap, but, hey—whatever floats your boat in the “Rub-A-Dub-Tub!” 

We all stood there observing the sailors as they enjoyed their evening until we couldn’t hold back our laughter anymore. 

We all scurried inside and closed the door as quietly as we could and then we exploded into laughter. 

Let’s face it—it really was funny and so unexpected—it was the highlight of our evening. What started out as an unremarkable evening turned out to be one of our most memorable evenings. 

When I think of all the parties that we have had over these many years, this one is right at the top of the LIST! 


Three men in a tub, 

And who do you think they be? 

The butcher, the baker, 

The candlestick maker, 

And all of them out to sea. 

~ Jeannie Joyner