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Girls Just Wanna Have Fun!

Blogs and Such

Girls Just Wanna Have Fun!

Brandon Joyner


My memories of high school are not all pleasant ones for me, so at the point that I finally found that person whom I considered a true friend, I felt very blessed. Her name was Cyndy, or “Cyd," as my boyfriend called her.  We had become inseparable since our sophomore year at St. Andrew’s High School. 

Cyd was always full of mischief. I, on the other hand, was the shy, NICE ONE! She was always trying to get me into trouble with her shenanigans and usually blamed everything on me. Imagine that! 

Remember, I was the shy, NICE ONE. 

Besides being in class at school together, we attended church, went to the beach, cooked, traveled, and sang in the choir, but my favorite was being invited to enjoy “sleep-overs” together. You should have seen her bedroom. It was phenomenal. It was painted lavender with all matching gorgeous accessories. 

Can you imagine? What teenager was allowed to decorate in whatever color they wanted? Hers was the coolest room... EVER! 

Sleep-overs didn’t happen often but, oh what fun when they did. 

Cyd, on this particular evening, said she wanted to play a joke on her parents. So, she insisted that I take part. Understand, I would never have thought about doing some of these things because... 

I was the shy, NICE ONE! 

Cyd said, “Jeannie, let’s go through the house and see what we can do.” 

I reluctantly followed her lead, knowing that it was not a good idea, but did it because she was my best friend.  

We opened the refrigerator door and with magic markers in hand, we drew character faces on each egg in the egg crate. 

Butter anyone? Coins were squished down into the sticks of butter and then smoothed over to make it appear that the butter had not been touched. See how mean Cyd was? Someone could have swallowed or choked on a coin. I tried to talk her out of this one. No luck! 

Remember, I was the shy, NICE ONE! 

We proceeded down the hall to her parent’s bedroom door where we took numbers of umbrellas, opened them, and placed them in front of their door. We had the umbrellas stacked and braced to the ceiling. Imagine their surprise the next morning trying to escape! 

On another occasion, Cyd had convinced her father that she was a responsible driver. He would loan us his car after the usual instructions on “how to behave and to always be careful.” With radio blasting (after pulling out of the driveway), we headed out for our joy ride to the Patio Drive-In Restaurant with the glassed disk jockey booth on the roof. 

Remember how you could call in song requests? We would call in before leaving home. And, most likely your song wouldn’t play until much later in the evening, but it sure was fun to hear your name announced on the radio. (This was the time before cellphones, guys!  Anyone remember that?) Those were the days, my friend.  

Later on in the evening, Cyd was giving me a ride home and she had to pull into our driveway between two brick columns. Usually, it was wide enough for a truck to get through. But I guess that night, the columns must have scooted together. So, as she attempted to go through, she pulled the metal trim completely off the car door. No other part of the car door was damaged. She managed to fit that molding back in place with no one the wiser. That just goes to show what a fabulous driver she was, right?! 

Did she tell her dad? Well, my lips are sealed! 

We had dozens of adventures as best friends and it’s nice to reminisce about those “I remember when” stories because they still put smiles on our faces. 

Even though we don’t see each other very often, when we do get together, it’s like no time has passed at all. We still stick our tongues out at each other and make crazy faces. 

I guess she does bring out the devil in me. But that can’t be right?! 

Remember... I'm the shy, NICE ONE!