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Speed Demon

Blogs and Such

Speed Demon

Brandon Joyner


For years I had heard how wonderful summer camp at Citadel Square Baptist Church was, but I had never been able to attend. My chance finally came as an older teen and I was asked to be a counselor. That was OK with me. 

Citadel Square was blessed with wonderful volunteers who planned and executed all the events and activities for the week-long summer camp. This group of dedicated adults had made the camp a very memorable experience - one with wonderful food, first-rate arts and crafts, well-organized bible study, and fun and fabulous fellowship – and one the young people would remember for a lifetime. EVERYONE hated for the week to end. 

Since I was still in school and held down a job, I was only able to attend camp for part of the week. My friend Reid, myself, and Dr. J.C. Murphy (the camp pastor) all had to get back to Charleston for other obligations. So, late Saturday evening we all climbed into Dr. Murphy’s car and headed back. 

Dr. Murphy told Reid and I that it would be very late before we could head home because he had a message to share with the youth during the Saturday evening Bible study. That was fine with us. MORE time to spend at camp. 

After Dr. Murphy finished his message, we three hopped into the car and headed out. The roads from Cheraw, S.C., to Charleston were all “back roads” - 35 to 45 mph – so travel was slow and tedious. And it was... Dark, Dark, Dark! We were bored! 

Dr. Murphy turned on the radio and we were chillin’. As we traveled those back roads... Well, let’s just say the speed limits were much too slow and without paying attention, we were exceeding them.  

Who would think that in the middle of the night, out in the “boonies", on lonely back-roads, when everyone SHOULD be asleep, that we would have a problem with the police? 

Guess what? Out of the blue (blue lights, that is), we saw flashing lights. And we weren’t stopped on the railroad tracks like the scene from Close Encounters of the Third Kind. Nope, we were actually being pulled. It might have been better if it had been Aliens

“Oh no,” I thought, “this is just great!” 

Without hesitation, Dr. Murphy pulled to the side of the road and stopped the car. The lone policeman stepped out of his car, walked up to the driver’s side window, leaned down, and asked to see Dr. Murphy’s driver’s license. Dr. Murphy reached for his wallet and then handed the information to the officer. 

The police officer checked the license and registration to make sure everything was in order. The officer looked at the pictures and then looked at Dr. Murphy. He looked back at the picture and then again at Dr. Murphy. 

Then the officer asked," Are you the pastor who is on TV every Sunday morning?” 

“Yes sir, I am,” Dr. Murphy responded. 

“Well, I watch you every week on TV and I just love your sermons,” the officer replied. 

“It’s so nice to meet you,” he said. 

With a few more pleasantries, the nice patrolman let us go without giving Dr. Murphy a ticket.  Just a little advice from the police officer – “Slow Down!” And he did! 

No, Dr. Murphy did not use his position to get out of the ticket. That was the officer’s decision. He was so excited to meet this “celebrity,” that he couldn’t justify giving Dr. Murphy a ticket even though he was speeding. 

Middle of the night, back roads of South Carolina, a police officer who “religiously” tuned into the same church every Sunday??? 

Hmmm... a higher power in control? 

What are the odds? What do you think?